Members Area

In April every year the Club holds its Annual General Meeting and elects its officials to hold office for the following 12 months. Most officials hold two or more positions. The current officials are as follows.

PresidentTom Waldron
Immediate Past PresidentMel Parsons
Vice PresidentChris Rapley
SecretaryPhilip Spicer
TreasurerJohn Bokor-Ingram
Membership SecretaryBob Bruce
CommitteeLawrence Muffett, John Round
Assistant TreasurerJohn Paremain
Luncheon SecretaryChris Rapley
Minute SecretaryRobin Streatfield
AlmonerGraham Bucksey
Risk Assessor
Speaker’s SecretaryMel Parsons
Newsletter EditorTom Waldron
Lunch PaymentsChris Seymour, Graham Jeffs
AuditorJohn Thompson
Monthly Lunch RafflesMel Parsons
Probus Club SalesVic Humphrey
Public RelationsTerry Mason
ArchivistBob Bruce
Website AdministratorsBob Bruce, Philip Spicer, John Round
Crowborough Probus